Thursday, October 15, 2015

Post-Modern Post-Mortem

If you’ve ever taken mescaline - the real stuff, not cut or diluted with other chemicals nor overly raw peyote extract which is entirely overwhelming - you’ll remember how it enhances the real world. Unlike LSD where it purposely reforms your perceptions, mescaline makes things “more clear” - a light shining through a cloud will have an impressive lens flare effect or colors on a poster will seem like a vivid neon light - but you’re aware of whats going on. You’re lucid. You’re not the guy in the DARE videos who goes throwing himself through closed windows because of a bad trip.

It enhances everything visual while also keeping you aware.

Dysthymia is the reverse, and so is pathological anxiety. Mild derealization in combination with the every-day doldrums creates a perpetual visual soup to walk through. Everything is real, but there is always a cheesecloth or a bridal veil between you and what you feel is there. You can see it and interact with it but you’re waiting for a fuller experience.

“All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks.” said Ahab in Moby Dick - and I feel theres a lot to that statement. The feeling that the unreality goes down so deep that things as they look are not the actual things as they *mean*, Like allegory in a story, the objects are but projections of the will of something else. Foreshadowing. The face value means nothing to what events your brain will connect it to later.

Even considering it will drive you paranoid. Even thinking about it makes you  less sane.

As Yukio Mishima put it: “When a captive lion steps out of his cage, he comes into a wider world than the lion who has known only the wilds. While he was in captivity, there were only two worlds for him - the world of the cage, and the world outside the cage. Now he is free. He roars. He attacks people. He eats them. Yet he is not satisfied, for there is no third world that is neither the world of the cage nor the world outside the cage.”

I have fits similar to this, largely because I’ve forgotten how to turn off my brain. Its not an issue of anxiety as much as it is an issue of being constantly aware (paranoid?) of my inward perceptions and that not everyone (or even most) see things as any other one person sees them. (Reality is a collective consciousness after all, a lie agreed upon by the living).

When I hit the moments of raw discordance, of cognitive dissonance, its like the overdrive kicking in on a new car. And its often about women.

My inability to separate either my identity or my value from one particular memory seems to have driven me into an endless hole of self-awareness. If perfection is the horizon we can see and never reach, then this girl… this woman is the back-scattered alpenglow haze around it. Perhaps not the horizon of perfection but the red halo around its terminus.

And whats worse is that the closer or longer you look at it, you cannot tell if you’re looking too hard at the same thing for too long or if you’re looking for something you can’t define that you feel is there but cannot describe. That ineffable quality of an unreasoning love gone to grave.

Whats worse: the woman you feel you should have spent your life with married to someone else and she emails you at two in the morning - or being sold on the belief of that, when the reality is she doesn’t give you half a fuck except on every third bank holiday?

Thursday, October 1, 2015

One of my favorite poems by my favorite author, ever

The Tide by Robert E. Howard

Thus in my mood I love you,
In the drum of my heart’s swift beat,
In the lure of the skies above you
And the earth beneath your feet.

Now I can lift and crown you
With the moon’s white empery;
And I can crush and drown you
In my passion’s misty sea.

I can swing you high and higher
Than any man of the earth,
Draw you through stars and fire
To lands of the ultimate birth.

Were I like this forever
You’d but too little to give,
But here tonight we sever,
For life loves life to live.

And the further a man may travel
The further may he fall,
And the skein that I must unravel
Was never meant for all.

What do you know of glory,
Of the heights that I have trod?
Or the shadows grim and hoary
That hide my face from God?

Would you understand my story,
My torments and my hopes?
Or the dark red Purgatory
Where my soul in horror gropes?

Now I am man and lover
Rising with you at side
To peaks where the splendors hover—
But drifting with the tide.

And the tide? It is mine to shake it,
To battle the winds and spray;
To batter the tide and break it
Or batter my heart away.

So I leave you—that you never
The grim day have to face
When I would be gone forever
And a stranger in my place.

Tonight, tonight we sever,
For my race is my own race.