I don't read nearly enough anymore. In fifth grade, back when Bobby Brown was a new singing sensation, I was neck to neck with Kathy Siwy for most read books in my class: 105 in one school year. Now I'm lucky if I do five in twelve months. Unacceptable!
Now I have a bookshelf full of books I haven't even touched. And I've been trying to find the time to go through them. I've been alternating between a new book followed by a James Bond book... but then, heres a photo of my 007 stack circa two months ago...
I now have another half dozen added to it since Christmas. And to the right of it? A stack of X-Files stuff just as high. I also have Tarzan books, John Carter books, Star Trek books... all sorts of nerd stuff and I've barely cracked the surface.
Video Games
Games I started last year and am in the process of finishing
Final Fantasy IX (PS1)
Alien Isolation (XBox 360)
Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC)
Games I started last year and put off for so long I should just start from the beginning again
Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Indiana Jones & The Staff Of Kings (Wii)
Chrono Trigger (PS1 port)
Games I bought and haven't started and should play to completion this year
Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wing Commander (SNES)
Wild Arms (PS1)
SaGa Frontier 2 (PS1)
X-Files: Resist Or Serve (PS2 - I dread dragging that behemoth console out of the closet)
Batman Arkham Origins
The Last Of Us
Metal Gear Rising Revengence
Games I've Beaten But Need A Refresher
Syphon Filter
Metal Gear Solid (Not sure if I should play the PS1 or the GC port)
Star Wars Rebel Assault 2
TIE Fighter
Games to buy this year
Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain (Xbox 360)
So, yeah, I also really need to get on this. I plan on boxing most of my games up this weekend because they're taking up space and I need to reorganize my closet anyway. I'll probably trade away a small stack of them but by and large I don't like giving games away since I always end up getting a heavy hand of nostalgia and dig them out later.
I am, however, much less interested in modern gaming. With the exception of a new Zelda or a new Mass Effect, theres nothing from the previous generation that I really want to play on a future console. That may change of course but for right now, nah.
Write More
Hey, I'm doing that right now! Okay, one thing down I suppose.
Take Sh*t Much Less Seriously
I'm actually doing pretty good at this and its already a few weeks in. Sure, I've fallen off once or twice but by and large January has been pretty choice in terms of low stress, high happiness and being over-caffeinated.
Buy Less Stuff
I am literally running out of space in my apartment. I am considering taking down my PC desk to make room for a bookcase. I have too many THINGS. Kipple is what Phillip Dick called it - stuff you accumulate and don't realize it. Well, its time to get rid of all my kipple. (This is going to suck. I'm by no means a hoarder but I do keep stuff. Ugh.)
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