Something is going on.
So many of my friends - most of who read these status updates - are going through a really tough period. I cannot say why this is, but it seems to be happening all at once, to most everyone and in the worst possible fashions for most. Not "bad day" stuff but electrical current of bad mojo, and the curse of self-awareness as your personal elevator slowly descends another three floors into the sub-basement of Satan's Damned Souls and Department Store.
What surprises me most about it all is that every one of these people seems to be dealing with angst. Not the glass-half-empty teen fragrance, fake-punk-rock nonsense either - but literal, pathological angst. The kind that comes with refusing to adjust to the world and unable to change their world to suit them (and being unaware of it). That the majority of these problems are focused around holding on or holding on too tight. That people assume they are the exceptions to prove the rule (we are all guilty of this - its why when we look in the mirror, we wonder how the hell we got old).
Part of this is that a lot of these people I'm talking about are entering their thirties or thereabouts. The magic invulnerability of your roaring twenties is over, folks - the life you wanted was a sham. Let it go gracefully.
But moreover, there is enmity of change. That people over identify with things outside themselves, that the things they have and can hold and "keep", the things they can't actually control. Houses that need fixing, illnesses, bills, relationships - all this stuff is, quite frankly, shit to some degree. Let it all go - theres no point in holding onto *anything*. Even the universe is slowly approaching its finite heat death, so no matter how great something is or wonderful or awful or terrible - it'll be gone one day anyway.
Nothing can be saved. Stop holding on so hard. You should be more than what you identify with and when you are not, thats when you end up here.
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